Governance Institute of Australia is the national provider of accreditation in governance and risk management. I helped GIA shape their brand and user experience.


Improve overall User Experience: Enhance the website’s design, simplify registration and cart experience, curate content based on user preferences.

My role

• Lead design team

• User research, prototyping, UI design
• Built a maintain the brand design system


The project began with a detailed assessment of the existing designs. Ther purpose for this process was to have consistency across the brand ecosystem.

With the initial designs approved, it was time to rapidly conduct user interviews – stakeholders and members. of particual interest was the difficulty users had with onboarding, which cause dropouts in the initial stages of ingagement.

Our results were then synthesited a organised in user stories to map out the requirments for the wireframes.



I’m currently based in Brisbane, Australia

Phone: +61 421 964 738