Cool Australia embarked on a journey to become a cutting-edge educational platform.


Enhance user experience, increase engagement, and offer users paid membership functionality that allowed access to premium content and professional development courses. A key strategic decision was to also improve data collection to better understand how users engage and interact with the site to support continuous improvement and ongoing enhancements of new features and functionality.

My role

• Lead designer

• Research, prototyping, UI design
• Built a maintain the UI Kit


The project began with a detailed assessment of the existing designs provided by Cool Australia’s design contractor. This assessment aimed to audit and evaluate the supplied designs to understand the approach, gaps, limitations, and risks related to functionality offering guidance on best practices where necessary. 

The focus during this period was on making sure the key functionality of the site was designed according to best practice, these features included:

• the sign-up and registration flow to simplify user onboarding,
• a “preferences” section in the dashboard to allow users to personalise their content,
• a comprehensive and robust search engine to improve content discoverability.


The redevelopment project achieved a modern and user-friendly online platform with improved user experience. A successful implementation of a paid membership system, providing monetisation options. A streamlined content publishing processes through the new CMS, reducing administrative overhead. Enhanced scalability and readiness for international expansion.


I’m currently based in Brisbane, Australia

Phone: +61 421 964 738